Sunday, July 14, 2024

 Next on the list of the old Kezar Falls Village business buildings that still exist is:

#15 Bridge Street adjacent to the former Kezar Falls Market.   

       According to Owen Griffith, this very old building was originally a blacksmith shop located farther back from the street.  David Stearns bought it from William & Frank Stearns of Hiram in 1904 and moved it forward, put it on a foundation and made it into a store with an apartment above.  It has housed many businesses since then with the apartment being occupied as well.  

It was “Stearns Meat Market” until 1925.  In 1930 Claude Kelly leased the first floor and basement for “Kelly’s Meat and Groceries”.   In 1946 it was sold to Irwin John Chapman and Geneva Chapman of Bath.  In August,1947 they sold it to Vaughn and Carol Good who ran “Good’s Restaurant” there until 1952. 

In 1953 Carol Good Stanley sold it to Clarence and Phyllis Clark and they sold it to Erma Giles in 1956. Erma ran her “Apparel Shop” there while she and her mother lived in the apartment above until Erma’s death in 1976.  Howard Giles of Saco inherited the building and sold it to Arlan and Ann Norton in 1976.  They ran “Al and Ann’s Jewelry and Clothing Store” there until Arlan died in 1997 – the last business to be located there.   The former “Al & Ann’s Jewelry & Clothing Store”, above, as it looked in 2006.  It has been closed since 1997.

Although there is no longer a business here the building is still owned and occupied by Ann Norton.

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