
Friday, June 14, 2024


The old Kezar Falls Village building featured this time is:

the former Kezar Falls Market at #17 Bridge Street, Porter.  

Although this building has been out of business since 2018 it appears that it may be opening with a different business soon.  We hope that is true as it has been looking pretty sad for some time. 

The original owner of the building has not been established. But according to Owen Griffith, it was owned by Darius Wormwood when his son, Fulton, was born here in 1858.  It was sold by the Darius’ estate in 1893 to L.F. Stacy and was quickly passed to Orion Morton, a teacher and superintendent of schools.  John Quint bought the building in 1909 from the Ed Hartford estate and added on to the end for his bakery business.  

This is the earliest picture we have of the building when it was the home and bakery business of John Quint.  In 1916 John Quint sold it to Frank Pierce Goodwin who started Goodwin’s Store here as a young man of about age 24.   His widowed mother, Eliza “Gram” Goodwin worked in the store with him.  

This photo circa 1920 shows that the changes in the building for Goodwin’s Store had already begun.  Over the years it was enlarged little by little, front and back, the barn was removed and the second story of the house.  Frank continued the bakery and expanded to ice cream, groceries, grain, sporting goods, shoes and dry goods and sold gasoline.  At one time there was a poolroom and they sold light refreshments and had a soda fountain.    

For many years this small section at the front of the store was reserved for “Gram” Goodwin’s flower garden that was enjoyed by everyone passing by.  “Gram” Goodwin died in 1940 at the age of 92 after 25 years of service at the store.  Eventually the building was expanded again to the sidewalk eliminating this garden for more store space.    

Frank’s nephews, Bob, Clarence and Norman Edgecomb all worked at Goodwin’s starting part time while in school and permanently in the 1930’s.  When Frank died in 1965 the store was passed on to his daughter, Patricia (Goodwin) Merritt. In 1971 the store was enlarged again and remained in business under grandson, Richard Merritt.

Richard still owned the building but leased the business to Don Foudriat as Kezar Falls Market from 2004 – 2006.  In 2006 it was leased to the Christianson’s until 2008.  Carlton Candage & Associates leased the market from 2008 – 2016.  Richard Merritt continued the Market from then until 2018 when it was closed. 

Goodwin’s Store (as it is still commonly referred to by many) served this community well for so many years and has been missed as a convenient local grocery store to the village residents and beyond. 

We hope the “rumor” is true and that the store will soon be open once again


Next on our calendar of events is the June 22 meeting – 2pm at History House - 92 Main Street, Kezar Falls Village. Joseph Hardy will talk about his book “The Year Without Summer” and the book will be available for purchase.

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