again owner/filmmaker Silas Hagerty will host our June 23 meeting at the
beautifully renovated KEZAR FALLS Theater.
As many of you may remember, this is where everyone who lived in this
area from the 1940’s through 1971 went to the movies on weekends. Some may remember it as Welch’s Discount
Store Annex. Silas has done a wonderful
job bringing this old building back to life.
It is now his cinematography studio and he very frequently has movies
and various other entertainment events here.
We are fortunate that he invites us to have a meeting here once a year
and always presents a wonderful program.
Come see what he has been able to accomplish in just a few short years.

Saturday, June 23, 2018
Meeting - 2pm
Program - 2:30pm
at the renovated
Kezar Falls Theater
21 Maine Street,
Kezar Falls Village (Rt.160)
Remember, our annual yard sale is coming soon! It is a great time to clean out attics and garages for the benefit of PPHS! Check your newsletter for details.