
Friday, February 12, 2016

Happy Birthday Dorothy Locke!

Tomorrow will by Dorothy Locke's 95th birthday and we at the PPHS want to wish her the very best.  Dotty had a recent fall and is recuperating at the Pine Point Center.  I am sure she would really appreciate a card so here is her address:

Dorothy Locke
c/o The Pine Point Center
67 Pine Point Road
Scarborough, ME

Dotty was the PPHS treasurer for many years and has always been a strong supporter of History House. We hope you will take the time to wish Dotty a Happy Birthday! and speedy recovery!  She would love to hear from you!

Dotty lives in the Jesse Bickford house where generations of her family have live.  Her family were some of the earliest settlers to this area.



  1. I'm so sorry to hear that Dottie fell. I will send her a card.

  2. Thank you Becky. I'm sure she will appreciate it.
